Ajuga reptans, popularly known as carpet bugleweed, is a shade-tolerant ground cover hardy to U.S. Department of Agriculture zones 4 through 10a. This fast plant spreads by runners and is commonly used instead of grass in hard-to-grow, shady spots on lawns and in gardens under trees. Planted under the right conditions and in the proper time, this plant will establish quickly and grow rapidly.
Planting Time and Time Tips
Plant carpet bugleweed in late spring or early summer. Plant your bugleweed at a well-draining, shady spot. Take care not to cover the crown or bury the plants any deeper than the nursery pot. If planting numerous specimens, space them 12 inches apart. Water after planting.
Bugleweed Care
Water your bugleweed once or twice weekly as it becomes established. Cut your watering schedule gently after planting, until the plants have been watered once every 7 to 10 days. Do not enable the soil to dry out, but do not let it become saturated either. Check the soil with a moisture meter as you decide when to water. These plants may develop fungal issues, so circulation and moisture management is vital. Successfully created plants will grow enough to fill the distance between the plants within one growing season.
As with other plants that spread by runners, carpet bugleweed grows rapidly and vigorously. Dividing can become necessary every couple of years to control the magnitude of the plant. Do this in mid-spring or fall. Use a little hand spade to dig and separate the outer borders of the plant from the central crown. These sections of the plant might be planted elsewhere on the land or distributed to other gardeners.
Carpet bugleweed is an aggressively spreading plant and must be planted with this mind. When placed in the right circumstances, in low-light and well-draining dirt, bugleweed will grow nearly unrecognizable and spread very quickly. This plant doesn’t work well as a border plant or in a small, contained area. Bugleweed is a good candidate for planting on a slope or at a region where erosion is an issue.